Demokratie Krise (Englisch)

Mankind love to play games, also politicians do it. Usually we have the chance only to listen to some news about politicians and they like to hear themselves.

Politicians are leading our country, economy, laws, education systems and our life. But they also influence the media and manipulate our ideas. What does a real democracy need? Do we need one leader for our opinions? Do they always need to say the truth? Let’s think about democracy and how we want to control it with good journalism. Become the leader of your own opinion!

Crisis in democracy is everywhere. What can we do? We need independent media, and journalists who have courage. Then democracy can be a real democracy.

Fictional interview by Aysegül Öner, Incomings Student From Turkey

An article about this interview from









Cartoon on the Turkish Prime Minister, behaving like Napoléon Bonaparte and controling all the media in the country.

Source: The comic magazin cover from LEMAN, 21 November 2007

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